The 1920's
Following the creation of the national organization in 1919, Spokane contractors recognized the need for a unified voice as the country sat on the edge of a building boom. AGC Founding father Daniel Garber sent out a call to action to contractors nationwide to organize and our local industry answered the call. The goals established early on remain the focus of our efforts today - convincing the general public that contracting is an honorable profession; building a better relationship with labor; and playing an effective role among the councils of government and industry.

Photo courtesy of the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture

Spokane and Portland Contractors vote to separate from the Pacific Northwest Master Builders to become a chapter of the Associated General Contractors of America. An office was opened in the Hyde Building and was run by Thomas Neill.

National AGC advocates for Congress to invest up to $500,000,000 a year to build a national highway system.

AGC Contractor Payne & Doust were awarded the contract for the construction of the Trent Ave. Bridge for $60,370. While paving the city’s connection to the bridge, the company set a record for laying concrete - paving 1.5 miles in 16 and a half working days.

After strike at Davenport Hotel project, Spokane Contractors and the Spokane Building Trades agree to $1 per day wage increase for all trades.

Thomas Neill, Secretary for the Spokane AGC Chapter, reported to the Chamber of Commerce that $6,000,000 was spent locally on construction the previous year and highlighted other large projects coming to the area, including the Lewiston dam, Priest Rapids development and the electrification of the Great Northern railroad.

AGC of America works with chapters to organize a National Safety Drive. The AGC worked to organize meetings between state officials and contractors because “state officials realize it is easier to accomplish desired results by a movement within the industry than through the passage of laws with inflexible provisions”.

1921 - D.G. Munro
1922 - S.G. Morin
1923 - John M. Clifton, Clifton, Applegate & Toole
1924 - J.M. Dougan - Portland
1925 - C.A. Carlson, Siems & Carlson
1926 - Natt McDougal - Portland
1927 - O.J. Amberg, Standard Asphalt Paving Co.
1928 - S.G. Morin - Spokane
1929 - R.C. Alloway, Alloway & Georg
New Members
1921 - N. A. Degerstrom